Wednesday, 23 May 2012

They're kicking us out...

We had planned to spend a couple more months here in Sucre as I have found a voluntary project that I am loving and Jim has found a climbing lessons that he is really enjoying. We have settled in to our cosy little flat and have become really fond of the city. Definitely in no rush to leave. After Sucre we were then going to slowly travel up to La Paz, spend some time there and then finish on Lake Titicaca before crossing over to Peru. Unfortunately we have just been told that we only have a month left in Bolivia. Bummer.

It sounds like a long time but it means that I can only do a couple more weeks with the children before we go. We could stay on a working/voluntary visa for another month (which was the original plan) but because we didn't organise it in England before we left it would cost £250 each; completely out of our budget... I had thought it would be less than a £50 and that would have felt expensive! The other sad thing is that once our tourist visa is up we won't be able to return to Bolivia this year so there isn't even an option to fly out to another country, have a couple of weeks there, and come back and start again. We will have had our 90 days and that is it.

Anyway, I know I should be mature and think 'it's meant to be' but I actually just think that visas are stupid and the situation sucks :-(

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you will have great memories of your time there, and you will go onto so more things in other countries. Those children will remember you and you them, so go onto the next stage of your world tour with glad hearts and fond memories.
