Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dia de los Enamorados, Nasty Pickpockets and the Factory of Tacos...

It has been quite an eventful start.

view from our hostel
how to tango
We have been here for 2 days and I am already struggling to remember everything that has happened and what we have been doing with ourselves. The exhaustion I felt after our nasty journey has been replaced with excitement, awe and an over whelming desire to photograph everything I see!

Yesterday was Valentines day - dia de los enamorados - and, although I'm not normally a fan, Buenos Aires is a pretty nice place to be when you are feeling soppy... the usual things; walking hand in hand, romantic meals for two and being filmed for a Sprite Zero advert graffiti-ing a heart on a wall.
my little love note to jim
Bit of an odd experience but they got a lovely close up shot of Jim drinking, I got to put my not-so-artistic mark on the streets of Buenos Aires and then we got a free refreshing beverage each. Not bad!

We have done a fair bit of walking around and, for me, one of the best things we have come across was a contemporary dance class being taught outside on a hidden back street. I think I was asked if I would like to join in but unfortunately the Argentinian people speak very fast with a hard to understand, but lovely, accent so by the time I had worked out what she was saying we had settled for watching. Really lovely experience though.

One not so nice thing has already happened... a nasty man on the Subte (underground) pick pocketed Jim's camera from his pocket. Put a real dampener on an otherwise great day :-( it is not at all the end of the world but it is quite a rubbish thing to happen to Jim on his first day. Made me very angry. Nasty man. Anyway... lesson learned. Don't put anything in your pockets. Not in Velcro ones and not even in zip ones.

On a better note to finish. We ate some great Tacos in a fab place. Yum.

Other things...
It's very hot day and night.
It is very noisy just outside out window.
It is a very large city.
Some of the people are pretty rude.
Most of the people are lovely.
We haven't seen any Tango.

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